Our Purpose & Commitment

Brenda & Bells B-day

Brenda & Barbara (aka Bells)

Clark Family Breast Cancer Services, Inc. was established in October, 2005 in memory of our sister, Brenda L. Clark, who died from breast cancer in June, 2005 at the age of 53. Just ten months earlier, in August, 2004 we had lost another sister, Barbara, age 46. Barbara fought the disease for eleven years. Two years earlier, our mother, Elizabeth passed away from breast cancer. Her mother, our grandmother, also died from breast cancer. A third sister, Darnetta was diagnosed at the age of 46 after she discovered a lump on her breast while performing a breast self-examination. After being in remission for 13  years and undergoing a double mastectomy, her cancer returned in 2015, but because her cancer was found early, she continues to be in remission. 

Cancer did not stopped infiltrating our family after our sisters’ deaths or Darnetta’s diagnosis. In 2010, our youngest sister, Jackie, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. This meant that four out of our five sisters were diagnosed with cancer at a very early age. When will it end? Unfortunately, we don’t know. But what we do know is that cancer that’s diagnosed at an early stage, when it isn’t too large and hasn’t spread, is more likely to be treated successfully and that spotting cancer at an early stage saves lives. Cancer has no boundaries, no age requirement, no racial preference. Educate yourselves, empower yourselves and lets fight cancer together.

Mission Statement
The mission of the Clark Family Breast Cancer Services, Inc. is to educate, motivate and support, not just the individual diagnosed with breast cancer, but their entire family as well.

Through Education, we spread awareness.

          With Motivation, we uplift their spirits.

                   With Support, we stand by them every step of the way.