18Dec, 2016

Never Underestimate the Power of Family: How One Family Took Loss and Turned It into Something Much Greater – The story of a Komen Grantee

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Olivia Bonevento is a featured guest blogger for Komen CSNJ.  She lives at the Jersey Shore and is currently a student at a liberal arts college in Pennsylvania.  Read more about Olivia on her personal blog – oliviabonevento.wordpress.com. Family is important- there is no denying that. There is nothing greater than a love that a family has for each other. I have seen this especially through the last few months that I have worked for Komen Central and South Jersey — when I interviewed survivors at the Race for the […]

Giving Tuesday
2Dec, 2014

Giving Tuesday

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WHAT IS #GIVINGTUESDAY? We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 2, 2014, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. It’s a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. […]

11Sep, 2014

The Good Search Challenge

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I would like to issue a challenge everyone to “The Good Search Challenge”.  That challenge is to change your default search provider from what it is not to Good Search search engine.  Good Search turns your searches into money for your favorite charity, or even us “The Clark Family Breast Cancer Services”.  So how many are up to the challenge?

21Aug, 2014

Wake Up

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Let me introduce myself, I am Cheo Walker and I volunteer with the Clark Family Breast Cancer Services.   I am writing this article in hopes that it may save at least one person life, or the pain that they may feel for a needless loss of a love one.  As a volunteer I have met women and men who survived through many different types cancer, and I have met women and men who lost someone dear to them from many different types of cancer too.  The one thing that […]

2Jun, 2014

Number of Cancer Survivors Continue to Grow

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A new report by the American Cancer Society – in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute – estimates there are almost 14.5 million cancer survivors alive in the US today, and that number will grow to almost 19 million by 2024. This includes everyone who’s ever had cancer, from the time of diagnosis for the rest of their life. The report, “Cancer Treatment & Survivorship Facts & Figures,” and an accompanying journal article in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians were released June 1, 2014. The report says even though the rates […]